State of Mississippi RFQ:
- BEAD Challenge Process Adjudication
- BEAD Challenge Process Adjudication - Amendment 1 Q&A
- Notice of Intent to Award
Previous RFP/RFQ Listings from Providers:
- Bay Springs Telephone [Closed]
- Bruce Telephone [Closed]
- CSpire - Livingston [Closed]
- CSpire - Mayersville [Closed]
- Franklin Telephone
- Swyft Connect [Closed]
- TEC [Closed]
- UpLink [Closed]
- We Connect [Closed]
This listing contains requests for proposals (RFP/RFQ) from entities participating in federal grant programs administered by BEAM. Prospective bidders should contact the listing entity for additional information on the materials, products or services to be procured and other possible contracting opportunities. BEAM has no additional information, authority or control over any RFQ/RFP listed and will not participate in the selection process for any award. This listing is provided to assist grant awardees in the solicitation of qualified sources and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive list of procurement opportunities.