The Initial Proposal Volume 1 includes a listing of unserved, underserved, community anchor institutions, and existing federal funding sources for broadband expansion and access in Mississippi. As required by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Volume 1 also provides details about Mississippi's plan to conduct a fair and transparent challenge process. More information regarding the Challenge Process can be found on the Challenge Process portion of this website.
- Volume 1 including updated Planned Service Dates (7/25/2024)
- Attachment A: Existing Broadband Funding Sources
- Attachment B: unserved.csv Unserved.csv (updated 7/17/2024) Unserved.csv (as of 7/31/2024)
- Attachment C: underserved.csv Underserved.csv (updated 7/17/2024) Underserved.csv (as of 7/31/2024)
- Attachment D: cai.csv CAI.csv (updated 7/17/2024) CAI.csv (as of 7/31/2024)
- Intake Summary as approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
To view previous versions of the Initial Proposal Volume 1, please visit the BEAD Document Archive.